Even experienced job seekers have fallen victim to employment scams. As college students begin to hunt for summer jobs, they become targets for fake job ads posted on social media, in local newspapers and on Craigslist. Scammers smell opportunity and prey upon their lack of experience.
The most common form of summer job scam involves so-called employers asking students to pay in advance for supplies that they will need for a job. Students are told to buy the items from a specific vendor, which is also part of the scam. Once the student pays for the supplies in advance, the "employer" disappears without providing the supplies.
Similar versions of this scam come in the form of jobs like babysitting, dog walking or house sitting. Some scammers are bolder and impersonate major companies. Other employment schemes involve being a secret shopper, an at-home re-shipper or a telemarketer. Quite often, job listings are typically vague or generic. Look out for this and other red flags, such as:
- Phishing e-mails, Craigslist, Monster, CareerBuilder and other job posting sites. Do not click any links within the message. They will lead to another site that will install malware or viruses on your computer.
- Phrases like "Immediate Start" or "No Experience Needed." Also, be wary of keywords, such as "package forwarding," "reshipping," "wiring funds" and "foreign agent agreements."
- Pressure, in any form. You have a right to ask questions and to be informed, regardless of the duration of the employment. If it feels like the employer is hurrying you through a process that involves important decisions, apply the brakes or look elsewhere. Legitimate employers will give you time to consider the offer.
Simply try to avoid job offers from someone you have not met in person. Not all internet job postings are scams, but scammers generally avoid meeting their targets face-to-face. Any documents you are asked to sign can be brought to an attorney. If your only contact has been on-line or by phone, it will be near impossible to track a fraudulent employer down. If you have questions regarding a possible fraudulent employer, feel free to contact this office.
Please be advised that this blog is for informational purposes only, is not legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship.
The Law Office of H. Benjamin Sharlin LLC
is owned and operated by H. Benjamin Sharlin and serves all of Mercer County, New Jersey and the surrounding areas. Mr. Sharlin is a bilingual Spanish-speaking attorney who vigorously represents the interests of all his clients.
Call (609) 585-0606 or click the button below to schedule an appointment