Asking Questions About NJ Automobile Repair

“You won’t get anything unless you ask.” This is a classic piece of advice. One could modify this phrase to say, “You won’t get anywhere unless you ask.” After all, receiving items is not always our objective. So many outcomes of varying magnitude make up our sense of satisfaction on any given day. In the specific instance of automobile repair, however, consumers may end up with outcomes even without asking. Being knowledgeable of automobile repair is always an obvious remedy. An attorney with experience in consumer law and specifically consumer fraud will be of help at a certain point. However, in the meantime, try to remember the above advice and not only ask questions, but just communicate in general. Here are some questions that can be useful:
Can you provide an itemized estimate?
- With an itemized hard copy, you will be able to comparison shop.
- For the sake of accuracy, this will help in avoiding issues that arise from a language barrier. If English is your second language, you can show this to someone you trust who speaks English as his or her first language. However, first, you must obtain the information from an employee who also speaks English.
Can I get that in writing?
- Once you decide on an automobile repair shop, the need for documentation does not end. Along with the estimate, you want to keep proof of your authorization.
- Once you receive a bill, keep a copy.
- Once you pay, keep the receipt.
- If there is a guarantee or warranty, get that in writing.
Is it necessary?
Just because your vehicle’s general need for repair has been established does not mean you are off the hook when it comes to repair decisions. The automobile repair shop may have to order parts. You want to be aware of each purchase and question its necessity. Ask how long it will last, and how much it will cost. Questioning does not require expert knowledge, but it can keep so-called experts from making unnecessary repairs.
The process of purchasing an automobile can be as intricate as its working parts. Just as this article encourages you to seek the best in repair experts, it also advises you to direct any legal matters that might arise from such repairs to an experienced consumer law attorney.
For more information regarding consumer law in general and consumer fraud claims arising out of NJ automobile repair, contact the Law Office of H. Benjamin Sharlin LLC for an initial free consultation. The Law Office of H. Benjamin Sharlin LLC is owned and operated by H. Benjamin Sharlin and serves all of Mercer County, New Jersey and the surrounding areas. Mr. Sharlin is a bilingual Spanish-speaking attorney who vigorously represents the interests of all his clients.
Please be advised that this blog is for informational purposes only, is not legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship.
The Law Office of H. Benjamin Sharlin LLC
is owned and operated by H. Benjamin Sharlin and serves all of Mercer County, New Jersey and the surrounding areas. Mr. Sharlin is a bilingual Spanish-speaking attorney who vigorously represents the interests of all his clients.
Call (609) 585-0606 or click the button below to schedule an appointment